
Untitled design (4)

Stephanie Roy

REALTOR® - Team Lead

Stephanie is committed to making the buying and selling process as smooth and hassle-free as possible, embodying values such as honesty, passion, respect, and integrity. With a strong belief in providing the "Gold Standard" in real estate services, Stephanie Roy is ready to assist you in achieving your real estate goals in the Quinte West Region and beyond.


Heather White


Heather White, a dedicated REALTOR® from Belleville, brings a unique blend of experience to her clients. Formerly the owner of Quinte Corner Cafe, she knows the local community well. Heather offers a people-minded approach to real estate, ensuring clients have peace of mind throughout their transactions.


Karine Perron

REALTOR® - Licensed Assistant

Karine Perron, our licensed assistant, excels in behind-the-scenes work. A fully licensed realtor, she manages client onboarding, paperwork, listing prep, staging, and home inspections. Karine also captures and edits all our drone visuals and manages our social media presence. Her commitment to ongoing training keeps us ahead in the competitive real estate market.